Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dolloween Movie Awesomeness!

I hope you enjoy!  It's really scary but really funny at the same time :P

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A New Claymation Movie and a (kind of) Family Photo!

Here's the link to my new movie if the video doesn't work:   Link!

and for the second part of this post...

I took a family photo!  Except I am missing a few "family members" in this photograph.  My bitty babies, Jessie and Florence, and my bitty twins, Anna and Liam, as well as mini Cecile are not pictured.
Rebecca, Anniey, Addy, Josefina, Ivy, Julie, Stevie, Emiley, and Chrissa
What do you think?  Comment! :)