Monday, December 29, 2014

My New Bike

This may sound very silly, but I learned how to ride a bike a couple days ago!  I had never ridden one before then.  Now I put my camera in a backpack and dolls in my basket, and off I go to the park!  It's really fun.

My bike (oops, the backpack is covering some of it)


Barbies with Hair Dye!

I "dyed" two of my Barbies' hair! Here is a photo-shoot:
TARDIS-blue hair
My favorite photo!

red dip-dyed hair

Midge with her curly hair

I made the dress :)

Do you like their hairstyles?  I think that they look awesome!


A Flying Potato! (and How to Curl Barbie Hair )

Here's a super easy way to curl your Barbie's hair, plus footage of a flying potato!

Friday, December 19, 2014

My Vintage Barbies- Identification Help Needed!

Hey!  I have had these barbies for about a year now, they were antique store finds.  I need help identifying one of them!

#1: Busy Gal Barbie
(I have obviously identified her!)

She is beautiful!  I found her in new in the box.

She has this purple mark on her ankle and a sticky, gooey mess (rotted rubber band?) on her wrist.
This is called CHARACTER, my friends.

#2: Wedding Barbie????

This Barbie is in a pretty wedding dress with a long train and has a hat with flowers on it.  It may be homemade since there are snaps in the back rather than velcro.
It says 1966 on her back.  Anyone know who this beautiful gal is?  Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


My blog is a winter wonderland!  If you want snow on your blog, go to this link:

P.S. Thanks for the tutorial, Meghan!

Channel Trailer

I made a channel trailer on YouTube... it's awesome!  You should totally watch it *wink* *wink*

I have been sewing lately!  Just made a cute studded pencil skirt last weekend, and learned how to do darts in the process!
Winter break is soon! YAY!!! Happy dollidays, everyone.  "Dollidays" means every type of doll-pullip, AG, Barbie, blythe, etc.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How to do a Faux-Hawk Hairstyle on your Doll!

 1. make 4 buns going down the middle of the doll's head
2. pin the buns down, using any bobby pins.  I used neon ones for an awesome look!
Isn't this an awesome hairstyle?  I tried it on myself and it turned out great!  I'm pretty sure it would work for Barbie dolls.


My friend and I are in the process of creating an Etsy shop... more details soon!  I'm so excited for Thanksgiving break, I have had SO MANY tests/quizzes this week and an exam last week!!!  I dug out a doll-sized christmas tree and decorated it, too.  Another post will be up in 10 minutes!

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I'm back!!! Exams=no blogging

Anyway, I have done a ton of movie stuff in my free time, but wasn't sure if it was very good.  However, I tried to make a Lego Stop Motion and LOVED IT!!!  so here it is:
The title is "Portal Palooza", but my mom just came up with a better one: "The Persnickety Portal".  Which do you like?  I prefer "The Persnickety Portal".

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dolloween Movie Awesomeness!

I hope you enjoy!  It's really scary but really funny at the same time :P

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A New Claymation Movie and a (kind of) Family Photo!

Here's the link to my new movie if the video doesn't work:   Link!

and for the second part of this post...

I took a family photo!  Except I am missing a few "family members" in this photograph.  My bitty babies, Jessie and Florence, and my bitty twins, Anna and Liam, as well as mini Cecile are not pictured.
Rebecca, Anniey, Addy, Josefina, Ivy, Julie, Stevie, Emiley, and Chrissa
What do you think?  Comment! :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Mini Doll Photography

Do you like this photo of Cecile?  Do you like the AG Minis, old or new?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Name Change!

You may have noticed I changed my name (YouTube, profile, etc.).  I didn't like how my username was "FeFe Mae" on YouTube, and I wanted it to match my blog, so I changed it.  Just letting you awesome people know! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014


I decided to try a bit of claymation.  I made a character with an armature and plasticine, and a set, along with a magnet system that allows him to "walk".  In all, the project took 1 week, and I had so much fun!!! Here is the final product:

I am totally going to continue making these!  I made his wire armature, but I have some actual armatures being shipped to me.  Thanks for reading, you awesome peeps :D

Saturday, September 13, 2014

DIY Doll Record Player

Hey, guys!  I haven't been on for a looooong time, sorry!  8th grade=lots of tests and essays.  Anyway, here is a quick craft!

Get a box that is the size you want for the record player and cover it with construction paper

Cut a circle out of paper, reinforce the back with popsicle sticks in a + shape, an glue it onto the paper-covered box

Cut 4 smaller circles out of black construction paper and tape them together.  cut a hole in the middle.

Take a strip of paper the color of the bigger circle and wrap it around to the size of the hole in the middle of the record (see pics at the bottom), then glue it to the middle of the bigger circle.  This will hold in the record.

Cut a popsicle stich 3/4 of the way down, then cut the remainder in half and glue it onto the end (the finished shape is in the pic below)

poke a hole in the opposite corner of the box as the bigger circle where the record goes, then poke the popsicle-stick thing in.  This will enable you to turn the popsicle stick around in a circle (see pic of attachment below)

STEP 7: 


Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Julie's Makeover Business~ an AGSM
Also, has anyone ever done a downy dunk on a Barbie?  A thrift store barbie I have has SUPER sticky hair, and she needs it fixed!


Friday, August 29, 2014

A Really Funny Tutorial!

Guys, it's labor day weekend... and you know what that means?! 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!  Here's a funny tutorial for easy doll false eyelashes to get the party started! :D

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Addy is super pretty!  I made the top and necklace in this pic.
Feedback? Comment!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Barbie Dreamhouse Living Room and a Photo-Story

 Hey, viewers!
 Here's a tour of the living room!
 This is the sofa- FeFe made it!
 This is the fireplace- FeFe made it (she also made a tutorial and posted it on her Youtube!)
 Here's the piano and stool! FeFe made it.
 Here's the lamp! FeFe made it.
 Here is the TV/entertainment center! FeFe made it.
And that's all!

The Lovely "Tour guides" from this post:

 Mimmy (Tropical Barbie)!
PJ (Malibu Barbie)!

So... what did you think about this post? Comment your feedback!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Trailer I Made! +an Update


The time is almost here.
(the time= back to school)
School, which means not as many posts/movies.  Why must summer go by so fast?!  I start school on Tuesday. :(
Meanwhile, here are a couple photographs!

 I really liked this pic of Julie!
 Chrissa is getting a tan!
Making a movie! :) this is an old pic