Thursday, August 6, 2015

Life in Black and White

So a few posts ago, I mentioned a SUPER HUGE movie that I was working on.  I finished and published it, and here it is!  Life in Black and White was a really fun summer project, and I spent so much time on it.  The entire process (planning, filming, and editing) took pretty much the whole summer.  Also, I had my friend Natalie compose the song at the end!  How cool is that???!!!  She is so talented.  Anyway, without further adieu, here is the movie!


Hot Skatin' Barbie and more!

Hey guys!!! I am going to write a whole post on one of my latest movies, but first I want to show you some other recent ones I have released.  Here are some of my latest videos:

1.  How to Make Build a Bear Clothes Fit Your American Girl Dolls

2. Opening Hot Skatin' Barbie

3. How to Make a Spy Outfit for Your American Girl Doll:  Episode 1- How to Make a Spy Trench Coat


Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hey guys!  I hope your summer has been fantastic!  Mine certainly has been.  For the past month or so, I have been working on a HUGE movie.  Today, I am starting to edit!

Right now, I am codeing on Javascript in order to create a working calculator application.  Pretty awesome, right?  I just learned the basics of Javascript, and am amazed at what I can do with the program.

Also, here are the most recent videos I have posted on Youtube:

1. My Three Talented Pugs (be prepared for some EXTREME CUTENESS)
2. How to Make Dyed and Distressed Cutoff Shorts (this tutorial works for dolls, too)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Lots of New Videos, Plus Something Awesome for Barbie Collectors!

Hi peeps!  Since it is summer, I have been making lots of YouTube videos lately!  Also, I wanted to tell all of my followers who are Barbie collectors about a great new company!  It is called "Avastars".  Avastars is really unique because they scan your face and 3D print it onto a Barbie-like doll!  I am inserting all of my recent videos here.  The second one is me opening my Avastar doll!

"1957" American Girl Music Video:

Opening my Avastar Doll:

How to Make an American Girl Alarm Clock:

Sunday, April 12, 2015

DIY Camera Follow Focus

Here's a super cheap, easy way to make a follow-focus tool for your camera!

The only thing you need is a package of "Bendaroos" or "Wikki Stix".

First, you take two of the sticks and twist the ends together on one side.  Make sure they are stuck together well.  Then, you need to loop it around your camera focus ring (the thing that you twist in order to focus the camera).  Twist the two remaining ends together in order to form a little bar sticking out.  Now, you can try it out!  Mine is working perfectly and I can make little indentations where I need to keep the focus in a video.
Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Meet Earl!

Here is Earl, my newest character!  You may recognize him as "Rocker Dude" from a previous video.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Glittabomb Magazine: A Printable Magazine for Barbie Dolls

Just print out this image, then fold and glue!  If you are having trouble folding and glueing, never fear!  I will post a video on it tomorrow.
What do you think?  Should I keep making these?  Leave your feedback in the comments!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Birthday

Hi guys!  I turned 14 on March 15!  I had an amazing day :). Also, it was the Glittabomb FeFe 1 year anniversary recently!
I did a photo-shoot with Napoleon.  Here it is:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Making of a Claymation Character

This guy doesn't have a name yet, so I call him "Rocker Dude".  He is an older man who considers himself a "retired rocker", because he used to be in a rock band.  I am in the process of making a "Born to Rock" shirt for him and will post pics on here tomorrow!
I miss blogging so much... but guess what?  SPRING BREAK IS SOON!!! That means lots of blogging!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cute Barbie Pillow on Etsy!

I just made this ADORABLE pillow for Barbie and her friends.  It's listed on etsy!  Here is a pic of the fabulous pillow in our Dreamhouse living room:

2 New Videos

Sunday, February 8, 2015

No-Makeup Barbie

So yesterday I was thinking about this one Barbie I own.  She was just too perfect- it was unnatural!  So, I decided to take her makeup off and have her look like a more normal human being.
Finished!  Here are the results:
Here she is!

I'm loving this shot :)

Close up

She will be a model for sure.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

My Pugs Are so Photogenic!

Buttercup looks right at the camera!

Lyndall was making a cute little silly face, so I snapped this pic!

Buttercup was hogging the camera :P

Cooper didn't want any photographs taken of him.  Maybe next time!